Well, Monday mornings aren’t always bad, especially when the following week comes with a lot of excitement. We have the Monday Night Masters live on Twitch, today. We were watching Kripparrian earlier this morning. Wednesday is patch day! And on Friday, we have an interview with Dipshit about the state of Minion Masters and its competitive scene.
A Challenge For True Masters
• Open an account on Challonge and set your in-game avatar as the profile picture
• Contact Thomas alias Erythais (our Community Manager) via Discord or Email (thomas@betadwarf.com) with your Steam ID and your Challonge username
• After we checked your rank, you’ll get an invitation to The Master’s Challenge
The tournament is expected to start on October 28th at 3pm CET. The prize pool of $1000 will be distributed across the Top8 players! Details like Tournament format, special rules and so on are to be announced and largely based on the number of participants. So play Minion Masters, reach Grandmaster and sign up! C-SAR expects 40 participants easily, but we can top that, right?
The Master’s Challenge is also a trial run for a possible ESL Go4 Series and more regular events presented by BetaDwarf Entertainment.
Behind The Dwarves… ehh, Scenes
So, what are we working on right now? Listing everything would spoil too much, that’s why we want to talk about the most important things:
We’re still working on the Expeditions. With the event for Kripparrian implemented with Update 46, we can’t wait to finish the new biomes and the Drone faction. After all, it’s time to make your hard earned Relics worth it, right? We also have some cool improvements for Expeditions in the pipeline. Furthermore, we want to talk about Expeditions a bit, because we recognized some issues with their perception. Expeditions are not meant as a game mode on their own. Expeditions are meant as something you can come back to over and over again, whenever you want to. The Supplies system is meant to be interactive with 1vs1, 2vs2 and Draft. That’s why you see yourself running out of Supplies from time to time. In the end, Minion Masters is PvP-focused.
Our crew is looking into Spectator mode, also. We cannot promise anything right now, but we hope to present such a feature soon and enable live broadcastings of tournaments.
Halloween is around the corner. While new biomes with shadows and demons are creepy enough, we feel like we need something special for you. So stay tuned ;)
Balance is an ongoing process. We feel you and watch your discussions closely. That’s why we’re working on several issues. Polishing the placement mechanics around the nook near the master is one of them, as well as several mana costs. Some things require bigger reworks and therefore take more time, but we’ll try to address several issues as soon as possible. We also want to shout-out a big ‘Thank you’ to all our dedicated theory crafters over at the Steam boards. We appreciate your effort very much!
Like we said earlier, there’s much more in the pipeline. Big changes, reworks, new features, additional content and so on. Be patient, we will let you know.
Now, at the end of this Monday post, we want to remind you to watch the Monday Night Masters’ games at 6pm CEST live on Twitch. PalaceOfDreams and Sinilil will be your casters, Salbei22 your host. Enjoy your stay and the high level gameplay!
Cheers from BetaDwarf!