Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Update 89 - Guild Conquest

Minion Masters!

Today, we’re expanding the existing Guilds system with our new Guild Conquest feature. Guild Conquest is where the best will rise to the top, receiving both prestige and rewards as you work with your friends to show everyone that you have the best Guild around!

Guild Conquest

  • This new Guilds feature allows Guilds to compete against each other for prestige and a top prize via a new Guild Leaderboards system, as well as unlock rewards and content for everyone in the guild by working together.
  • Guild Conquest involves special Conquest matches where the Glory you earn is stored as a contribution to the Guild’s Conquest level.
  • The higher your Guild’s Conquest tier is, the more rewards you’ll unlock for everyone in the Guild!
  • Guilds with the highest Conquest level will be at the top of the new Guild Leaderboard. The guild that finishes in first place at the end of a Conquest Season will receive 5 legendary cards for every player in their guild. Aim for the top!

Unity 2018

Minion Masters has made the jump to the Unity 2018 Engine as of this update! While it won’t affect too much on your end at the moment, it will enable us to make better VFX and Graphics in the future, and we’ve taken the opportunity to adjust the colour spaces Minion Masters uses.

Please note that with this change, Minion Masters no longer supports DirectX 9.


  • Added the ability to skip reward claiming animations in match summaries by pressing Continue.
  • Edited Shieldguard of Light’s description to remove the reference to him dealing Double Damage on his charge - While this was initially a bug, we have determined he is viable enough without the damage bonus. #ItsAFeature
  • Updated the description on Diona’s Bear Trap to say “units” instead of “minions” due to confusion caused by it triggering on enemy Diona traps.
  • Shields now scale in size based on the unit that has been shielded - Try shielding a Troubadour and see the difference!
  • Adjusted the Stealth sound effect to be quieter.
  • Changed the starting deck from the tutorial. The new Empyrean deck contains Crossbow Dudes, Spear Throwers, Legionnaires, Warrior, Fireball and Swarmers.
  • Added the ability to see how long ago Guild Members were last online - Thanks for the feedback!
  • Changed “Battle Pass ends in Now” to “New Battle Pass coming soon!” to prevent confusion at the end of a Battle Pass.
  • Remade footstep sounds for Rammers, Cleavers, and Crakgul Doomcleaver.


  • Fixed dead taunt minions triggering constant retargeting of nearby enemies - Thanks to everyone who reported this!
  • Fixed a bug where Grasping Thorns would still affect units after they have swapped teams - Thanks SorisDynasty!
  • Fixed Morgrul’s Ragers receiving unusual properties if specific cards were on the field - Thanks Gix!
  • Fixed visual errors with Pirate Mordar and High Inquisitor Diona that would cause parts of their body to stretch or move in bizarre fashions when inspected post-game.
  • Fixed the new Season token not listing cards by rarity - Thanks GReY WolF!
  • Fixed an issue where the resolution of the game could not be changed - Thanks DEX!
  • Fixed animated avatars not working when viewed post-match for your teammate or opponent’s decks.
  • Fixed Loading Screen Tips not having Factions.
  • Fixed the new BFLR cards not being highlighted by spells.
  • Fixed Musketeer being able to parry Armor of Light.
  • Fixed Morgrul’s Ragers preview being off center.