Version 1.24

Minion Masters!
The 3rd season of Outlandish Operations is here!!! Scrap Yard and R4Z:0R Squadron join the Minion Masters universe along with a host of balance changes and bug fixes.
Ready…. Steady…… GO!
Outlandish Operations - Season Pass #2
- A new Season Pass has arrived in Minion Masters!
- Tons of new rewards, including 2 cards, a Legendary Skin, bonus cards, and more!
- Added to the game:
The Season Pass will end on June 3rd
Card Balance
Apep - Shield Totem
- Duration 10 > 7
- Health 200 > 250
Mordar- Tombstone
- Activation time 8 -> 9
All Masters - Mythic
- Are now considered Mythic
Mythic rules added to cards
The following cards can now no longer affect mythic minions (including Master Minions)
- Netherstep
- Gor'Rakk Sacrifice
- Once Bitten
- Spawn Of Fury
Now targets the minion closest to the centre instead of random within the area.
Dev Comment: This is really more a QOL fix, but it could in certain cases pertain to balance, so we decided to list it here.
Arcane Bolt
- kill threshold 450 -> 400
Dev Comment: Arcane bolt is a bit too efficient at getting quick kills on semi-high health targets such as Cleaver and Blue Golem, this should make such kills a bit harder.
- Base Stun 5 > 10
- Now Stuns Mythic Minions for 10 seconds
Snake Druid
- Attack Delay 1.4 > 1
- Root Duration 6 > 5
Akinlep's Gong of Pestilence
- Cost 6 > 7
- Cost 1 > 0
- Increase cost 1 on each use
Zealots of the burning fist + Shield-Captain Avea
- Damage 100 > 120
Dev Comment: Both Avea and the Zealots could use a little more oomph
Brothers of Light + Caeleth
- Hp 600-> 550
- Minigun warm-up time 3 > 2
- Now only gets Armored Scrats from your own cards
- Red Golem Rework - It's finally here. It's about time this big boy get's a touch up like his smaller brother.
- Fixed an issue with R3-KT dodging attacks by teleporting breaks units pathfinding.
- Removed T.A.A.S and Akinlep’s gong from the random pool.
- Fixed an issue with Rapid Prowler’s Call Slitherbound also having Sacrifice 2.
- Fixed a typo with Nyrvir's Breath description.
- Fixed an issue with stunned r3kt shadow dance causing the clone to not do anything.
- Fixed an issue with hitting r3kt who uses shadow dance with aoe abilities causes them to fail to hit targets after him.
- Fixed an issue with playing 2x shadow dance in rapid succession causes 2 real r3kt's and 2 clones to spawn.
- Listed true damage on Pincer of Dread.
- Fixed an issue with Arcane Missiles (milloween) targeting.
- Fixed a valorian graphical bug.
- Fixed Avea Shield bug reacting fast enough to fireball to block the fireball’s damage on units. around her (for real it’s been fixed now!!).
- Banned users now get a banned message when they log in.
- Fixed an issue with Pincer of Dread killing Jing/Xiao Long while they were phased out.
- Fixed an incorrect interaction between Black Hole and Re-Boomer.
- Fixed a rare issue with Mordar ressing teammates units stolen from enemy Mordar with Ghost.
- Haste and Slow now increase or reduce move speed by a minimum of 1.