Monday, June 11, 2018

Minion Master's Monday - Say hello to... Update 68 & a new Dwarf

Minion Masters!

How was your weekend? We sure hope it was great and personally, we enjoyed all that talks and speculations about the upcoming Update 68 and the new partnership. Looking at the new week, we're definitely just as excited as you are about all the amazing changes and new features coming to Minion Masters and about a new Dwarf arriving in Denmark on June 14th.

Clearing up some confusion

We saw a lot of talks and speculations about the Battle Pass and Card Glory. So let's shed some light into the dark, shall we?

Please note that the following pictures and used numbers could be different when Update 68 finally hits the live server. So take the following as subject to change at any point.

Alright, let's start with the Battle Pass and transition on to Card Glory, as well as Battle Pass progression later:
  • The Battle Pass will be available for 1.500 Rubies (approximately $10). This price unlocks the full path and thus access to the premium rewards. But you still need to progress through the tiers.
  • There is a free path for everyone. Means, if you don't decide to purchase the Battle Pass, you will still be able to progress through it and receive rewards, although not the premium rewards
  • Progressing through the Battle Pass is done by Battle Pass XP. You will gain said XP by playing matches with Glory cards
    • The moment you gathered all the XP for one tier, the tier unlocks and you'll receive your rewards from all the paths you have access to
  • You can decide to buy the Battle Pass or single tiers at any time
    • If you decide to buy the Battle Pass at a later point, you will receive all of the rewards up to your current tier, retroactively
  • There will be more than 8 tiers, although the total amount can vary
  • We plan to release the Battle Pass with a duration of 2 months

The Battle Pass and Card Glory are connected. Card Glory is - so to speak - the driving progression force. The amount of Glory a particular card has, will be indicated by a star below the card art. But how does it actually work? 
  • Glory will be gained by getting more copies of the same card or crafting more copies
    • A common card is worth 2 Glory
    • A rare card is worth 4 Glory
    • A supreme card is worth 8 Glory
    • A legendary card is worth 16 Glory
  • To raise the Glory of a specific card, you'll have to spend Shards. Adding Glory via Shards takes the same amount of Shards it would have cost to craft said card
  • Duplicates gained from Spins or other rewards will grant Glory and Shards according to the respective rarity
  • Glory will furthermore affect Wild cards. If you acquire an additional copy of - for instance - Plasma Marines, you will get more Card Glory and thus also access to use that card as a Wild Card, similar to how it is now
  • Card Glory will also grant you card frames (Bronze, Silver & Gold), as well as a boost to your Card Glory upon reaching the thresholds for the frames
    • Card frames also grant you special visual when playing the card along with a special cast effect from your Master in the corresponding card frame color
Knowing all that, we can move on to how the Battle Pass progression will work:
  • Battle Pass XP will only be granted by winning matches
  • The amount of Battle Pass XP is determined by the total amount of Glory in your used deck
    • As an example: if you have 10 cards with 200 Glory, your Battle Pass XP would be 2.000
    • But we wouldn't be Dwarves if we didn't add an additional booster: The lowest two cards in terms of Glory will be boosted to 400 Glory each, no matter how high your card's Glory is
    • That means: our example now would give you 1.600 (8 cards รก 200 Glory) + 800 (2 cards boosted)  = 2.400 Battle Pass XP
  • Once you've acquired enough Battle Pass XP for your current tier, it will unlock and you'll receive all the rewards from all paths you have access to

To boost your Battle Pass XP further, once a day there's a Battle Chest. Every time you win, XP based on your Glory (see the example above) will be put into the Battle Chest and after 3 wins, it opens and gives a massive Battle Pass XP boost.
    • In our example from above, the Battle Chest would give you: Deck Glory (2.400) * 3 wins * 10!
We hope that we could cover the most important questions with that overview. If there are still open questions, please don't hesitate to use the known communication platforms such as our official Subreddit, Community Discord or the Steam forums.

What's else is coming with Update 68?

Yes, Update 68 will be another huge patch and along the Battle Pass and Card Glory, we'll have the following features ready for you:
  • New Emotes
    • To express the evil inside you!
  • New Skins
    • Infested Settsu
    • Molten Apep
    • Demon Axe Volco
    • Lightbringer
    • And more!
  • New Cards
    • Demon Commander - 8 mana
    • Destructive Demon Duo - 8 mana
    • Shars'rakk Twins - 7 mana
    • A new 5 mana spell
    • Phase - 3 mana
    • Cannibal Swarmers - 2 mana
    • And more!
  • Much more exciting stuff
    • We need something left for the patch notes, right?
Don't forget our Dwarf stream on Tuesday, June 12th at 20:00 UTC, where we will talk - and maybe even look - some more about Update 68 and other exciting news. Why not following our channel already, so you can't miss us going live anymore?

Please note that we are trying to push Update 68 this week, but we have no ETA right now. It might be later than Wednesday, therefore. Also, the card stats and details will be revealed in the patch notes.

A new Dwarf is arriving soon

We are were recently looking for new employees (and still are!) and we're very happy that we were able to find someone from our amazing community crazy enough to join us. Without any more words, here's the introduction interview:

Hi Sprite, nice to have you again! This time though, not as a community member only. You’re actually starting to work for BetaDwarf and I’m sure our community wants to know a bit more about the person behind That Sprite. Would you introduce yourself, therefore, please?

Hey, my real name is Jason, I’m 22 years old from the United Kingdom, and I just finished my University studies under the course of Games Computing. I’ve been involved in gaming for a long time, generally been casting for over 5 years now, and I suppose all that has finally got me somewhere!

If I’m not mistaken, you will start your first day at BetaDwarf on June 15th. What’s your position in the team and your responsibilities?

I’ll be working as BetaDwarf’s dedicated Quality Assurance Masochist. My responsibility is going to be finding those game breaking bugs before they go live (Missing animation on Rampage comes to mind) and generally trying to break the game and its features once regular tests have been completed. My job is basically to really annoy the programmers by pointing out what needs fixing.

How did it come to your application for said position?

Well, I was streaming one afternoon during my exam period to let off some steam and casually brought up that I’d need to start looking into getting a job and going out into the real world soon. Tengs, the BetaDwarf E-Sports Coordinator was watching at the time and referred me directly to the BetaDwarf application page. I checked out all the jobs on stream and discussed that I thought I would be a good fit for the QA role and applied as soon as I finished my stream.

Could you explain the process of getting a job at BetaDwarf Entertainment for someone that might be interested?

Well it all starts with having the courage to just go for it. I updated my CV to fit my University degree and wrote a Covering Letter with as many positive references regarding the game and my hobbies as I could and sent it to UncleOwnage. After that I was offered a video interview with him and BaboonLord where they asked me a bunch of personal questions about my studies to help fill in the gaps that the basic application could not fill in, as well as get a feel for how I’d tackle the job role. From there it was just a matter of solving the puzzle of getting me to the office. Overall it was a really smooth process, and I would definitely recommend anyone that’s interested in applying to give it a shot.

As a Dwarf now, will we still see you casting the King Puff Cup tournaments and maybe even hosting more own tournaments?

Absolutely! I have no intention of departing from the competitive scene, casting has been one of my favourite activities for years and I’ll always be willing to lend a hand to the game I love. As for tournaments I run myself, well, I might need a bit of time to settle into Denmark first, but I’ve been given some positive encouragement from some individuals to keep running them.

What are you excited about the most, when your first working day at BetaDwarf starts?

Getting to put faces to the names I’ve been interacting with for a year and a half now! Knowing so many members of the team on Discord is one thing, getting to know them for real will be an entirely new experience.

Sprite, it was a pleasure! Leave some shout-outs if you want.

I want to give shoutouts to my family most importantly, who have been supporting me all the way in making my dream happen with this job. I also want to shout out Tengs for motivating me to apply for this role out of the blue, and to all of the active members of the Twitch and Discord community who’ve supported me this entire time. There’s far too many of you to list, but I want you to all know how much you’ve helped me define my future now. Here’s to a long run at BetaDwarf and to a thousand slaughtered bugs!


That's all for today, Masters! May the Card Glory be with you as soon as Update 68 hits and we'll see you on the flying arenas (hopefully with all that fancy new effects coming with the card frames).

Cheers from BetaDwarf