Monkey Business
Now has Thick Hide.
Holy Fire
Duration reduced from 5s → 3s.
Healing/Damage increased from 15/s → 25/s.
Sanctum of the Cleansing Fire
Health increased from 250 → 400.
Cost reduced from 5 → 4.
Empyrean Army increases the cost by 1.
Spire Stag
Attack speed buffed from 1.3s → 1s.
Adventuring Party
Base cost increased from 3 → 4.
Discounts applied to other party members increased from 1 → 2.
Stormbringer Perk 2: Cloud Cover
Cooldown reduced from 18s → 10s.
Duration reduced from 8s → 5s.
Woggosaur Pup
Poison Spit initial damage reduced from 50 → 20.
Poison Spit poison duration increased from 3 → 4.
Slitherbind (2) removed.
Jadespark Watchers
Cost increased from 9 → 10.
Ratbo Perk 2: Squeak Attack
Cooldown increased from 5 → 7.
Resonating Construct
Copies allowed reduced from 3 → 1.
Valorian Perk 1: Searing Light
Cooldown increased from 28 → 30 seconds.
Valorian Perk 2: Fervent Warrior
Starts with its Armor of Holy Fire on cooldown.